Gong Cha code giveaway

FINAL EDIT: I have run out of codes. Very sorry to those who weren't able to get one. As for everyone who has received a code, I hope you enjoy the mount! I have also read every message sent to me, and I appreciate the kind words. I'm very glad I could make your guys' days by giving the few hundred codes I had away.

I have codes for the King Porxie mount and am giving them away since it's the last day of the collab. Reply to this post and I'll DM you a code until I'm out of them. First come first serve! (remember to redeem on redeem.finalfantasyxiv.com, you have to log in and then it will give you the mogstation code for you to also log in there to finally redeem. thanks to u/MediaKlepto for clarifying!)

EDIT: Please be patient, I'm trying to scratch all of these codes and am trying to message everybody as well. Make sure the code works too.

EDIT2: Just got rate limited by Reddit so I can't message people currently. Very sorry about that guys...

EDIT3: Not rate limited anymore, sending codes!

EDIT4: Never mind... they only let me DM a few people before rate limiting me again. You guys can actually send me a DM request and I will be able to respond in chat, so I'll be doing that instead.

EDIT5: I still have some more codes, (as of 4:22pm EST) and remember redeem on redeem.finalfantasyxiv.com, you have to log in and then it will give you the mogstation code for you to also log in there to finally redeem!!

EDIT6: Still have codes as of 4:43pm EST, there is apparently only an hour and 15 minutes left before the codes expire!!

EDIT7: We're approaching the last 20 minutes, I'm rate limited on both sending and receiving chats, I will be sending the people who send me chat requests a message with the code, so check your messages if you sent one to me!

EDIT8: It's 6PM EST, and the codes should have expired by now. I don't know if they actually did but if you want to try out some codes to see if they work keep sending me chat requests/messages. Codes still work, there are very few left!