Ex Room mate moves and left behind their ferrets with cancer
Ok so like the title states new years day my ex room mate who is 24F moved into new housing with little to no notice. we hadn't been getting along for the past year and that same day I was planning to give them 30 day notice. so imagine my surprise when her dog is gone and so is most of her stuff that morning. I call her confront her she says she moving I say ok no Biggy and start to pull all her dishes out of my kitchen and her movies and other furniture items out of the common rooms. mind you this convo happened at 7 or 8am. she doesn't come for her things till about 5pm (guessing here, I was deep into cleaning) she showed up with her new bf who I don't like and her dad who has said thing in the past to make me uncomfortable so to say the least they were not allowed in but she could come and get her things as she needed. she was mad about this but didn't try to pick a fight since this was something I stated to her before the move so I'm not sure why she picked them unless she was trying to make me uncomfortable. any way I digress to the point. after the dust had settled and she had left I went into the room she was renting to see what if any damages might have been done and Immediately noticed her ferrets cage was still here. Confused I walked up to it to find her ferrets still inside no food no water littler boxes full and oh my god the smell. I immediately call her asking wtf is going on with them and why would she take her dog and not her ferrets her word exactly where "oh I can't have them at bf's place so they are going to a non kill shelter when i get the rest of my thing would you feed them till then?" I really wanted to just blow up on her since my brother not even 2 days before this offered to BUY them from her since he knew she couldn't/wasn't taking care of them. she flat out refused. To say I'm pissed is an understatement but I stayed calm and got her to agree to surrender them to me. Que me calling my brother and him also flipping out. For contexts these are my brothers fav animal. He was heart broken to see how they had been living. he help me clean them up and the cage up. My brother bought them some food and litter and said when he gets back from seeing his step dad that he would take over the care but in the mean time it's up to me to care for them. Once again no Biggy was planning to help with care any way. here's where I'm a fish out of water one of them has cancer. I know this cuz I went through the left over papers for them she had in her room (she told me where to find them and that I could have them since I was taking care of them now) well I quickly learned this and that she refused any meds for them. Now my question is how do I care for a ferret with cancer? is there medicine for it? what should I ask the vet? is there a diet that could help? supplements maybe? me and my brother are frantic to find some care but most vets in the area are only able to treat cat and dogs nothing exotic. the closest one is a 4 hour drive. we have a trip out the vet planned but wanted to know what I can do to help in the mean time. I'm sorry that this turned more into a rant more then anything else so if you made it this far. Thank you for reading.