Me storage system and Filing cabinet?

So I recently started playing a single player minecraft world on sky factory 4, after countless attempt at trying to automate my ME storage system to get rid of stick, oak wood, leaf and such. I came across filing cabinets, apparently they can hold a massive amount of items, however I believe I would have to use the simple storage mod over the appiled energistics 2 mod (AE2) when creating this. If this isnt right please let me know as I much preferre the AE2 mod, so my question is could I use both of these mods together, for instance if I gathered the items using simple storage could I transfer the Items I wanted to a AE2 system such as resin and acorns using the item transfer node. Also below will be a image of what I am currently using and if anyone could tell me a way to filter out the oak wood, sticks and leaf for all of the bonsai tree, it would be most appreciated. I have watch alot of normal tutorials but none have shown a mix between the two.