Supervisor requested a meeting with me? He’s never done this before.. probation employee
Feeling pretty terrible tbh. Pit in my stomach. Just moved 2000 miles for this job.
Never had a 1 on 1 with my supervisor. He said it is to go over a few things. I’m a GS9 so it’s weird a GS14 would want a 30 minute meeting with me.. starts in 30 minutes. I am a vet with 5.5 years of federal service. Just transferred to this position with a new agency in October. Probation started all over again.
I know it won’t be the layoff right now. Too soon but maybe he is just letting me know it’s a possibility. Here’s to wishful thinking. Will update if anyone cares.
Update: idk how to update everyone at once so I’ll just post here. The memo was discussed. However it was more about the hiring freeze. We were unable to hire desired candidates(3 more people), so now I will be taking on their roles as well as keeping my own. So still have a job but my workload is now 4x more. And the three FJOs that never made it are roles I have 0 knowledge or experience about. So I’m somewhat freaking out. A lot more bullshit and work for the same pay. Happy to have a job still