If your agency requires a RTO, what has changed for you prior to COVID, how will your life change ?

I have been back in the office for about 2 years and use WFH about 1-2 days a week. I live in the DC area, so the commute I have done before. Just wondering what you will dread most or be happiest about, If everyone is RTO?

Prior to Covid, there were about 2 people in my office that were just energy vampires. They are still there and haven’t changed a bit. Before everyone acted professional and got the job done. But one of my concerns is that my patience with this type of employee is hardly there. I was nice and just went along to get along. I think Covid has made me have less patience with people who are like this.

We have enough space for a RTO, so that’s not an issue and nearly everyone lives in the DC area. But lord help me with my patience.

What does everyone else dread? Or even look forward to ?