A very unpopular opinion about MLs in romantasy

This is in part inspired by some of the posts I've seen about people not liking Wendell in Emily Wilde >! sleeping with other women in front of Emily even though he's in love with her. !< Now if you're one of them, you're feelings are completely valid. My opinion is an unpopular one for a reason. Also sorry for the bad English.

A big reason why I don't like most traditional fantasy/sci-fi novels is because of the way they treat women (if any important enough to garner a name even exist in the first place.) Especially, the female love interest(s) of the MMC. This gorgeous, skinny, beautiful paragon of virtue lives and breathes for him. She worships at his feet. She will sacrifice her dreams, ambitions, family and even her life for him. She'll remain faithful and loyal even when it's not reciprocated. She has nothing of her own thats not related to the MMC (unless its his child with her.) She's not a person, not a character. She's a prop to further uphold our Gary Stu.

It's bad writing and bad characterization. We've started rightfully criticising those books.

But now that there are so many female authors writing books about female MCs targeted for female readership, I've started noticing that something similar is being done with MLs in these books.

These MLs are props as well. They are there to fulfill sexual fantasies of our FMC (and through her, the reader's.) They'll kiss the ground the FMC walks on, support her in every decision (even when it's objectively bad,) put himself and his own desires behind hers at every point and either a. step down and leave the stage to let her have a girlboss moment or b. be a full-time bodyguard/caretaker/princess carrying, 'touch her and die' spewing damsel (only FMC is a legitimate damsel in this case) in distress rescuer. He's only nice to her and mean to everyone else. He'll put everyone else at risk to save the FMC from her own dumb decisions and never once question or god forbid criticise her. And on and on.

I get why reading about a fantasy where a super hot, powerful, rich man being completely and unconditionally devoted to you, to the point that his head has nothing except you, may be appealing. But this man, is a prop. He's not a real person (not outside of her) and he's certainly a bad character.

But in this instance, this complete simp of a ML is seen as a plus point. And any action that deviates from this behavior, is criticised.

Let's go back to Wendell. >! Many don't like him for sleeping with other women when he's in love with Emily. I've seen people say that part ruined the book for him. And thay he's a bad ML for it. But why should Wendell be celibate and devoted to a woman who has shown no inclination of returning his feelings and doesn't even know they exist to begin with. Emily certainly isn't bothered by that. But a lot of readers are. Wendell is expected to place himself, his desires and wants below hers even when he has no obligation to do so. He has his own agency and he acts on it. It doesn't mean he's a bad lover for her. He's completely devoted and faithful once there's an indication that Emily might return his feelings. !< For me, this makes Wendell a good character. He's believable and acts like a real person.

The point I'm trying to make and the reason why I don't like prop MLs is because for me, they cheapen the romance. The FMC almost never reciprocates this level of devotion so it feels completely one sided. I don't believe in them. It feels like the author trying to force him down my throat and telling me it's romantic. (Also, coincidentally, some books that have these sort of MLs treat other women except the FMC horribly)

If both side of a romance are not a good character by themselves first before being a love interest, that in my unpopular opinion, is poor writing and bad romance.

Besides Wendell, another reason why I'm writing this is because I just saw a post fangirling over Hilo even though the poster is a fan of very smut heavy books (a genre filled with prop MLs imo.) And as another Hilo enthusiast I'm convinced it's because Hilo was written to be a good character first and not wish fulfilment for the reader.

So please authors, write a good character first and then have them fall in love rather than writing a character for the sole purpose of falling in love.

Down with MLs that are just simps!

Thank you for reading my ramblings. I'm ready to be burned at the stake now.