Album Challenge Day 10: 「Need You Here」


"Need You Here" – Track 10 of Razzmatazz by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME

Stand User:

Aquemini Jackson

User Appearance:

Aquemini is an African-American man of average height and build. He's bald, but sports a large gray scruffy beard and mustache.

He wears a large blue trenchcoat, with slatted holes cuts in it along the sides, fluffy brown arm braces, and a belt with a heart buckle. He has a brown undersuit underneath it all.

Stand Appearance:

Need You Here takes the form of an unlabelled blue Viewmaster, big enough to be used by an adult with no difficulty. Its scope is in the shape of squared glasses, and it has two separate dials: one to scroll forwards, and one to scroll back.


Power- None
Speed- None
Range- None
Durability- A (Bound stand)
Precision- C
Potential- D


Need You Here is able to see the fated timeline of a person's life, projected inside of its lenses.

By writing the full-name, date of birth, and date of death (if the target is dead) on an image reel, that person's lifetime is printed into the reel. The reel covers the person's entire life, 1 hour per image, for every day, skipping over time spent asleep or braindead.

The reel's perspective is set in third person, as if someone was watching the target through a camera. While other people will be present in the reel, only the target can be made out, with all other people appearing as amorphous gray shapes.

The timeline that Need You Here projects is a fated timeline, meaning any future events seen within it will happen. However, it does have one way to 'change' events:

By pressing both of Need You Here's dials, the current event being focused on will be 'cut out' of its reel. This, in effect, prevents the event from happening before it comes. Cutting out an event does not mean guarantee something inverse or proportional to the event will occur, it merely ensures the event seen does not happen the way it was shown.

When an image has been cut out of a reel, the rest of the reel is ejected, and Need You Here cannot look past the time of the cut out event until that time actually passes, regardless of what reel it currently has. If an image at 7:00-8:00pm from the same day from then is cut out, for example, Need You Here would not be able to look in the future past that 7-8 timeframe until 8:00pm passes, regardless of what reel is inserted.

Any number of reels can exist at a time, but only one per person, and only one can be inserted. If an image has been cut out, Need You Here can't cut out another of the same timeframe, even if it is on a different reel. Aquemini cannot make a reel for himself.

The User:

Aquemini is a man in his late 40s, living with his 15-year old daughter in a New York apartment.

His daughter and son were born at the same time: thestroke of midnight, January 3rd.
At 1:00 am, out of nowhere, his son stopped breathing.
At 2:00 am, he was pronounced dead.
At 3:00 am, his daughter almost suffocated.
At 4:00 am, he saw that the medical bills would put him in debt.
At 5:00 am, he started driving home with his wife and daughter.
At 6:00 am, the family came home to a break-in.

7, they were back at the hospital. 8, he was told his wife's stomach was shredded by the bullet. 9, he was forced to wait. 10, his mother passed. 11, his father. 12, his wife.

1 pm: fired.
2 pm: a fire.
3 pm: another stack of bills.
4 pm: no one is taking his calls
5 pm: shot with an arrow
6 pm: Aquemini is sedated at the hospital, no idea how is daughter is doing or where she is.

He awoke six hours later, a surprisingly clean bill of health, but another bill saddled onto him. Aquemini was tired. He was lost. He missed his loved ones. He just wanted to hold his daughter.

Aquemini's stand appeared later that day, initially unnoticed in his attempts to calm the last family member he had. The mob was the easiest option, but it weighed on him for days before he brought his ability to them.

All he wanted was insurance. Insurance that his daughter would get to lead a life; that his family would be safe; that he wouldn't be stepped on by the world so easily again.

12:00am: Relief for the first time in a long time, as his daughter was finally safe.