Admins and Mods of Facebook Group Page removing anyone for no reason.

So, I was in the facebook group page and gave a lot of contributions. When it was small, I help to make it big. The owner of the group offered me to become admin but I refuse. I created a lot of contents/discussions that attracts many other people to join.

Years has been passed, it grew big and the 30% is because of me. But one day, I got an issue with the 1 admin and 1 mod. I'm debating with them and people started to siding with me. Days later, I notice that my post is not being approve and some of them are being removed. I commented to the admin post and ask why my posts are being removed? No reply then I received a notification that I got ban for 24hrs. After the ban expires, my posts are still being removed even it doesn't violate the fb guidelines nor the fb group page rules. I commented again on the admin post and keep asking "Why my post are being removed? What did I violate? Why other people's posts are being approved?" They just removed my comment again and marked as spam and ban me.

It's almost 2 weeks and people starting to find me. When my ban expires, I commented on other people post to tell what happened. And after just a few seconds, me and the member got kick and blocked in the group permanently.

I think it is just unfair for the admins and mods to remove the people in the group they don't like personally. I mean, there's a rule, therefore, they should only remove the members if they violated it. And I think there should also a punishment for them for abusing the authority. The owner and me build that community when it was small, now the owner is inactive and doesnt know whats happening. The admin and mod are just new.

It just really unfair for someone who have 30%+ contributions to the group but just being removed by the new admin and mod just because they lost in a debate.