My problem with other religions

Hi, just though I would share my criticism/thoughts on other religions.


My biggest problem with Christianity is that most Christians still believe in the idea of eternal hell, it is an integral part of their core belief. The idea of the original sin instills the belief of hating ourselves. There is also the trinity, while I do understand it now, it still feels off.

I have never read the bible but did read many verses over the years and heard many of the stories. I think Jesus of the New Testament is a great role model from my little research. God of the Old Testament (Torah) on the other hand... The bible has strange verses. The creation of the universe, God wrestling with Jacob 🤔just to name few examples.

The bible is not really the literal word of god, but more like inspired by god through those who wrote it, describing how Jesus lived, his teachings and such. Many Christians don't take it literally, which is cool as it is not really literal word of god, you can interpret things differently and many scholars before modern history did that, but again the bible feels like a book meant for people of that era. If god was the god of every time period, the bible would be totally different.

I realize it is more complex, and that there are many different schools of thoughts, Catholicism, Protestantism, orthodox Christianity and different denominations under that.


I honestly don't know what to say. I guess it is similar to Christianity in some ways, without the idea of the original sin in that we need to be saved and such or the trinity. Jews don't believe in eternal hell either. Overall, that makes it better in my eyes compared to Christianity🧐.

My problem with it is the Jews believe they are god chosen people, guess it applies to most religions, but ethnicity plays a big role here which makes it worse. Another problem is the Old Testament, at least to Christians belief is all that matter, and the New Testament from what I have read is far, far better to put it mildly. Many Jews interpret it figuratively but still…many follow Jewish law depending on the sect.

Hinduism and Buddhism

Very similar. Both believe in Samsara (the cycle of birth and reincarnation). Both aspire to reach enlightenment and your goal is to get there (Nirvana for Buddism) (Moksha for Hinduism) to exit this cycle.

There is no real creator god in Buddhism, the goal of life is to reject desire as it is the cause of our suffering so you can reach enlightenment, just like the OG Buddha "Siddhartha Gautama". Overall very noble. However, I don't really think such cycle exist, there is no evidence for it. Honestly, just more of a philosophical idea rather than a religion if you asked me. Overall, it is the best religion imo if you can even call it that.

Hinduism on the other hand has a serious problem. The caste system is absolute garbage. Your status in society is determined the moment you are born, this is horrible. Hindus also believe in many gods, Brahma who created the universe, but it doesn't really matter as your goal is just to exit the cycle and reach enlightenment and become one with god. Also, you can reach that point without rejecting desire, you just try to do good deeds. Overall, the caste system is pretty bad, also same thing, no evidence of such cycle exists.