advice on one's future plans of moving to france

Hello, I am an American minor and I haven't had a job yet or anything, so I know very little about the adult legal aspects of life. However, I want to move to France once I am an adult. I don't want anyone to try and discourage me of my decision— that is not what I came here for.

Right now, I'm focusing on learning French, and I soon plan to look more into the history of the country. However, I'm really just not sure where to start when it comes to actually moving to the country.

Some questions I have include when I should begin moving, how much money I should save, what I should prepare, and what age would be ideal to start my life in France.

I'm not asking anyone to question my life decisions. I'm just looking for help on how to go through with them.

I'm not looking to live in a very big city like Paris, and though I am not sure exactly where, it would likely be on the less expensive side for costs of living.

I'm not sure what else to say. All I ask for is your tips on preparing to move to France. Thank you for your time.

Edit: Toulouse seems pretty solid? Seems like a decent place for students aswell?