Just found out even earrings are haram, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind

This motherfucker Muhammad really saw people trying to have fun and looking good and was like "You know what, I don't like that. Let's curse them"

I'm so fucking tired of trying to thrive in a conservative muslim household. This end of the 2024 year, I'm trying to become a good looking young man and learning how to take care of myself.

I'm lucky enough that my parents are hypocritical as to when they decide to be conservative or not. They actually let me get my brows threaded which was shocking to me

But tonight I made the mistake of telling my neckbeard little brother I wanna get my ears pierced, all excited, and he just destroyed my joy by telling me it's haram for such and such reason along with telling me his muslim guy friends from the neighbourhood will look down on me even more

Can their prophet actually stop cursing useless harmless shit for 5 fucking minutes and with stupid reasons too

"The man shall not resemble the woman" my ass, men back then were walking around wearing long robes with long hair. There is nothing divine or unique about the reasons too. It's pure patriarchal bs a smelly bitter man came up with hundreds of years ago.