Married POMO's Who Are Stuck In A Marriage With PIMI Spouses.

I have never been in a JW relationship because I left at such a young age. However, all of my siblings, JW cousins, and other family members have all married in the ORG.

A lot of those marriages ended in Divorce, most of them were due to abuse and cheating.

One of my cousin's had an affair on purpose to get out of her marriage so there would be biblical grounds for divorce.

My question is just curious how POMO's make it work with PIMI members and does it always end in divorce and do they consider it a bibical divorce if there was not cheating involved if the divorce was simply for one spouse falling out of the ORG?

How hard it must be to be married to someone and the only division is because of the ORG.

Just curious to hear your stories about that.