Jw woman and sex
Trigger warning, gets a bit sexually graphic without meaning to be ick.
I promise I didn’t write this to get off!
If I could ask those who are comfortable . Are JW woman “shy” in bed? Like don’t really go off?
I’m married, have been for years and I honestly have no complaints about my wife but I can’t get her all the way without her help. She’s into it enough and very giving. I don’t ask for anything funky but she’s uncomfortable getting or giving head. She doesn’t like talking dirty at all.
I may be just bad in bed but because I wasn’t born in I’ve had a crack (excuse the pun) before and not had trouble getting them where they want to be.
I know this is somewhat anon but I must stress I am happy as can be with her and nothing at all needs to change. To be honest I find it cute and wouldn’t want it any other way.
Thanks for reading.
Edit: I can’t respond to everyone but wanted to thank everyone for posting (even the ones who doubt my intentions) Thank you very much, I’ve learned a lot and am not so worried anymore. The biggest thing I’ve learned is to treat her well outside the bedroom, I try very hard with this anyway but it’s a good reminder.