Making a formula for MELD 3.0 calculator
I am trying to make a formula to calculate a liver disease risk called MELD 3.0. The formula is in the X link below.
The variables are as follows (and in parentheses are the values I am using for testing): Bilirubin (2.1) Na (130) INR (1.1) Creatinine (1.6) Albumin (6.0) Assume sex is female
The exact way I have been making this in excel is: =1.33+4.56ln(bilirubin)+0.82(137-Na)-0.24(137-Na)ln(bilirubin)+9.09ln(INR)+11.14ln(creatinine)+1.85(3.5-albumin)-1.83(3.5-albumin)*ln(creatinine)+6
I have a “*” before each ln in the formula but formatting in this post deletes it
Each time I try to make a formula using these values I get a different answer than what online calculators give. The answer should be 21 and I get 19. I feel like it’s an order of operations issue and I’m missing some parentheses but I can’t figure out where.