I think I’m becoming an INTP

So, I’ve taken the test several times over maybe eight years and always get ENTP, but something about the pandemic and what the general population has shifted to has intrinsically changed me. I feel like when I go out into the world I don’t get joy from people anymore. Engaging with the general public now feels exhausting and even sometimes dangerous. Like everyone is tense and on edge and just looking around at everyone else not really having fun .The things that used to be fun now feel exhausting or like a scam and I’d rather be at home most days ie forced $40 valet parking, multiple delays at the airport, short staffed almost everywhere, $25 drinks with the largest ice cube they can find so you only get about four sips of a drink, etc

I do enjoy time with my girlfriends, but I also feel the need to escape after a few days with them also. Just too loud, to overstimulating, too much. The only person I feel like I never needed to escape from was one specific partner, he was ENFP, which I’m sure was less about his personality type and the rest of everything else. These are super concerning to me because I’ve always been an extrovert, wanted to check in with my other ENTP and see if anyone else is feeling this way.