According to you, is it right?

Hello! So I was reading the Tao-te-ching from Lao-tseu and had like an intuition of what was really letting go, but i might be absolutely completely wrong so i wanted to have your opinion dear friends. I felt like maybe letting go was not only letting go of this or that (for example in my case mostly fear of what ppl think of me etc) but letting go of ALL, even the control on my own body, mind, life.

So for that i'm almost sure it's right, but then i stood up and started putting some music just letting the music dictate me what to do. Suddenly, i was just the awareness looking at my body doing all the moves. And I thought: "ok, this works for music but can i live my all life just like that? Just letting my mind thinking, my body acting and me never ever again wanting, acting?" But i don't know it's seems impossible... For example could my mind and body hold a conversation with someone while "me" just watching? Is it the Tao, the way of life?

Thank you so much!

Edit: Many many thanks for your answers! I feel like I understand it more and more, both intellectually and "experimentally"! What a great subreddit!