Bed Heating Issue

I’ve posted about this once before but i’ve tried a couple things to no avail, i have an Ender 3 and when i try to run prints my bed will heat up fast and fine up until 50° then it starts getting really slow (about 1 minute to increase 1°). it’s got a silent 4.2.7 motherboard, i just installed a Gulfcoast Robotics Silicone Bed Heater, a Creality Glass Bed, checked all the connections and reloaded the firmware to try and fix the issue and it still persists, any help would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Forgot to mention that the target for the prints is 60° and it will throw an error for the bed before the nozzle even gets a chance to heat up, the only way i found to remedy it is to preheat my bed before i start a print.