Do people ever recover from depression?

(Also just adding this now I’m unsure if this post should go on here or somewhere else, please remove this post if it doesn’t belong in this sub !!)

I currently am going to therapy since a counsellor told me I quite honestly need help for clinical depression and the therapist is still investigating if I do or do not have depression.

But I’ve recently reflected on friends and family that have depression and I’ve noticed one trend, they never seem to recover. I understand people aren’t supposed to be constantly happy or sad, but it gets kinda sad and frustrating to see people close to me never recovering from depression. They may have good patches but they end up falling back into a deep pit of sadness after a little while. Two of my friends have been going to therapy for years and they are still suffering from depression. I just find it strange that even though there are resources to help us, we never recover (of those that I know of).

What I’m basically asking is, if you have recovered from depression, could you maybe tell me your journey? Or if you are still currently experiencing depression, are there things that help? Do you see the light? Is there an ending to the suffering?