How common is v-ing from anxiety, despite never having done it before?

I tu about two weeks ago, and since then have had terrible panic attacks. Panic attacks aren’t abnormal for me, and had them even before I tu again two weeks ago, but they’ve upped the ante since then. I started my new job yesterday, and had a really bad panic attack. My face got hot and my throat felt tight (normal symptoms of panic attacks, but very scary because they also happen when I have v-d), acid reflux, and I very suddenly felt like there was a rush of something- and like something was going to come out. It never did, but dear god I was so scared. I’m scared to go to work tomorrow in case it happens again and I do actually tu. How common is it for people to get sick from anxiety, especially in people who it has never happened to before? Not a single panic attack in my life has made me tu, but I’m afraid that could change all of a sudden. How possible is that?