Newish player here with a few questions.

Hey everyone! I just recently decided to give ESO a serious try. I played a few years ago and got to lvl 30sh, mostly did PvP but after a recent skyrim playthrough I fell back in love with Elder Scrolls and wanted more.

I played a few thousand hours of WoW, FF14, and BDO, so that's my previous mmo experience.

My favorite things were collecting transmogs, mounts, and roleplay in WoW & FF. Is there a scene for that stuff in ESO? Are most of the cool mounts and cosmetics in the crown store or can I unlock them while I'm playing?

When I eventually play through the content, whats the endgame like? Is it a big raid scene like other MMOs?

Im playing on NA-PC, Ebonheart Pact. (Looking for guild/ friends, adventure, and advice lol)

Thanks all! Excited to explore Tamriel :)