Looking to get a quieter (and better) kit, need some advice

So about a year ago I got an electronic kit, since I always wanted to get into drumming but didn't want to spend the money on a real kit + it's just way easier. I ended up getting a Yamaha DTX402K for a pretty good price, and didn't really care about noise or anything since I lived in the middle of nowhere so it didn't matter.


I've recently moved, and now I have neighbors underneath me and I haven't been able to play at all since my GOD is it loud. Since the pads are rubber it sounds like hitting a literal block of wood, and the kick pedal is even louder.

So now I'm just wondering, what's a good kit to replace it with? Since noise is the main issue mesh pads is definitely the way to go, and I've been thinking about getting an Alesis Nitro Max instead. I feel like it's a good choice, but how much quieter is it actually? I'm willing to spend at most around $500-600.
