moral arrangement

Rough definition: a design or engineering of events to create or manufacture some particular outcome; a creation of some standard situation, like a desired outcome

Abstract: from a philosophical perspective we want to cast a neutral tone on all our definitions; that is to reserve moral judgment, including with the grammar we employ, or offer others. The term here, for example, can be made to describe something like an arranged marriage. Or, it can be used to describe some system, on one hand like where one person designs some game with an ending that they guide players towards achieving, even if that for further example meant using reverse psychology; and, on the other hand, the player who choses to become the best at setting or accomplishing the given achievement might also be said to arranging themselves to the prior, or pre- arrangement of the game's design--from start to finish, or in whole.

That is, arrangement as we may speak about it, like with morality, can be seen (linguistically or argumentatively speaking) independent of either moral choice or judgment.