Are we forgetting how Jack treated Denise?

I like Jack, he a decent man. But I think he treated Denise like a sort of live in maid.

Denise does not get off lightly because she was kidding herself and her feelings.

Jack and Denise are better off as friends in my opinion.

I think Jack's ego is the reason why he is giving Denise attention. Who remembers when he was bitching and complaining to Sam Mitchell.

Ravi and Denise need to take it easy, they both have been through alot. Ravi was treated terrible by both his adoptive father and Nish like outcast. Denise recieved terrible abuse from Men in the past and has trust issues, Denise mother was not really a mother to her.

I agree that Denise should take some time by herself and be single. But I guess it is entertainment.