How did you get diagnosed?
As the title suggests, I'm currently looking to get assessed for ADHD and dyscalculia.
For back story, I have always, always, always struggled with math and numbers. I've always understood the concepts. But application? Another story. In school, I would do a problem, check it, look at the correct answer and realize I completely missed an entire step, or put a number in the wrong place. Math has always felt less like a process and more like throwing a dart, where getting the answer was a bullseye.
My friends are starting to have kids and now those kids are starting to count. To which I say, "Wow! So advanced! I couldn't count to ten until I was 5!" Which apparently is abnormal.
I love reading, but I have to go slow otherwise I miss everything and have to go over the passage again.
I will never know my rights and lefts, I accepted this long ago.
As an adult, the way my difficulty with numbers most affects me is with appointments and flights. I've completely missed flights because I misread the numbers dozens of times. When I get stressed or have too much on my plate, I will often show up to an appointment a day or week early.
From the research I've done, it seems like dyscalculia/dyslexia can be genetic. Which strengthens my belief I have undiagnosed dyscalculia because my uncle is dyslexic.
Would love to know how any of you received your diagnosis or got assessed? I currently live in California and have Kaiser Permanente.