How many years has this dumb pig been pleading getting fit and dieting.

His business goals have never been achieved in the 10 years he’s been trying to build Du Val up. Let alone his weight loss and fitness goals. It doesn’t take much to do a little core logic look up to find they never owned any properties. What this man is good at doing is building up the belief that he’s doing it all. But actions speak louder than words and all this man does is talk and post photos, with no genuine achievements behind. Unfortunately what he has mastered is the belief to the communities of poverty that he is a great man. Which will continue to fuel his ego.

The obvious we are all aware of is this man was on job seekers benefit in the years we lived next door to each other on Alpers Ridge. What would be very interesting to know; is did he declare that he was married with a wife who had a full time job income whilst receiving a benefit? Fraud runs thick through Kenyons blood. This guys is absolutely sickening to the core with the misbelief that he’s a serial entrepreneur and fitness bunny. He’s a fat slob with an addiction to the life he doesn’t want to work for.

His business goals have never been achieved in the 10 years he’s been trying to build Du Val up. Let alone his weight loss and fitness goals. It doesn’t take much to do a little core logic look up to find they never owned any properties. What this man is good at doing is building up the belief that he’s doing it all. But actions speak louder than words and all this man does is talk and post photos, with no genuine achievements behind. Unfortunately what he has mastered is the belief to the communities of poverty that he is a great man. Which will continue to fuel his ego.

The obvious we are all aware of is this man was on job seekers benefit in the years we lived next door to each other on Alpers Ridge. What would be very interesting to know; is did he declare that he was married with a wife who had a full time job income whilst receiving a benefit? Fraud runs thick through Kenyons blood. This guys is absolutely sickening to the core with the misbelief that he’s a serial entrepreneur and fitness bunny. He’s a fat slob with an addiction to the life he doesn’t want to work for.