AITAH for pushing my boyfriend to a better job and to work to pay off his debt

I 26FM dating 30 M. I’d like to start this off by saying that I am very financially responsible. I have more than enough for a down payment on a house, saved up and have always been responsible with my money. My boyfriend on the other hand has not. We have been together for almost 2 years and have been talking about marriage and buying a house. Currently we both rent apartments. He has always been tightlipped about where he sits financially where I have been very honest about how much I have and how much I make. I make more than my boyfriend, I make $31 an hour plus commission and he makes $30 an hour. Granted he is a small engine/Marine mechanic so he does some side work and makes extra income that way. recently I found out that he is in debt. It’s not a lot of debt, but it’s more than I’m comfortable disclosing. He broke down when he told me said that he was really ashamed and wants me to help him sort out his finances. Until this point I would’ve said yes to a proposal, but since this has come up, I have been really struggling to see a future in the relationship. Am I being too dramatic being turned off by his debt? I just feel that at the age of 30 and not only in a house. He should at least have some money in the bank not be in debt. To boot, he doesn’t have anything to show for it. No house no toys, etc. I have been pushing him to look into alternative employment, or get certified in some sort of blue-collar position. Whatever he’s most passionate about I don’t care what it is. I just see him doing more than working for someone else for the rest of his life for around $30 an hour. That’s not enough and this economy to support a mortgage and a family on in both him and I do believe in the more traditional roles and marriage. I’m really struggling in the relationship now I feel like maybe I’ve lost trust in him? I honestly can’t put my finger on it. I don’t know what it is or how I feel I just don’t feel the same as I did before I knew this, please help. TLDR: my boyfriend is in debt and my feelings towards him have changed shit. Is this something I should move past? Am I being too dramatic about that?