bandmates keep messing with my kit

Is this a valid reason to leave a band? It’s mostly the guitarist who does this (there’s 3 of us; but our bassist and guitarist are dating so if I have a problem with one I have a problem with both). He’ll send random clips of him fucking around on my kit to our groupchat and it’s like, come on dude— at least ask before you use my shit. I’ve poured over 600 dollars into this thing and you’d think that would warrant a “hey, can I try something out on your kit?” instead of showing up to the storage unit on days without band practice to use my shit. I’ve had to talk to dude twice about this before because a lot of the time he’ll monopolize the kit during practice after asking to try something and I end up sitting outside the unit cause I can’t play anything else except for drums. This isn’t the first issue I’ve had with this group either.