It’s impossible to drive anywhere without getting tailgated. Why do people do it?
Drive 60-65 on a single lane 50 MPH road? Get your ass ridden by a pickup truck driven by Jim Bob and his 3.2 inch weiner.
Drive 40 mph on a 30 mph town road? Get your ass ridden.
Drive anywhere, anytime, at any speed other than one that you could get hit with a felony for, get your ass royally ridden.
Every single time any of these morons pass me, they proceed to floor it up to the next sane driver, ride their ass to oblivion, and I’ll catch up with both of them. Congrats, you gained two entire seconds!
Why do people do it? Is it just low IQ? These people literally never save time, and the only thing it’ll get me to do is drop my speed to the exact speed limit and keep it precisely there while they get angry and such.