MaRo: Innistrad Was Inspired by and Created Thanks to the Twilight Saga

In a recent blog post talking about the history and concept design behind the plane of Innistrad in anticipation of Innistrad Remastered coming out this month, Mark Rosewater called out the Twilight Saga as a major reason why Innistrad came to be.

"Twilight, both the books and movies, was a phenomenon. It helped sell the idea that horror as a genre was popular in the wider public consciousness," he said.

"This was considered a bit risky back then,” Mark wrote. “I spent a lot of time championing the idea alongside Randy and Bill.”

Crazy to think that Twilight going mainstream is what rewarded Magic with one of its most popular sets of all time. I didn't even realize Innistrad was after Twilight, I always thought it was way before!