What do you think about Emily Kaldwin getting rid of…
…the Abbey of Everyman? Do you agree or disagree?
I know what happened and why she did it, but I think there could have been a better way to handle the situation. Because of what the High Overseer did following Delilah’s defeat, Emily could’ve used that tragedy to reform the order in its entirety. As in, “hey, to prevent this from happening in the future, I’m gonna change some things.” The Abbey has been apart of the Isles’ culture and society that it’s weird that it was just…plucked out of existence? Some examples of changes I mean:
Put restrictions on the Abbey’s power and influence, especially condemning citizens without a proper trial.
Putting a stop to the kidnapping of little boys exhibiting potential to become Overseers. Instead, letting volunteers in no matter the ages.
Disarming the whole order, basically making them something similar to monks. Though I know this change would be gradual and take decades.
With the Outsider gone, I think the people of the Isles could benefit in a peaceful version of the Abbey, because the Strictures are actually sending a good message. With it becoming more of a “self help” religion, it’s actually more in tune with the 7 strictures just telling you to be a better person. Maybe edit the *Wanton Flesh & Errant Mind** a little, though.*