People who were able to find jobs outside of Pak (remote or physical), how did you do it?
I'm a full stack software engineer and I have experience of about 3 years. I'm at a good position in my company however, things are just looking more and more bleak. I hadn't considered moving out of Pakistan an option before (mostly cause it was too expensive to go as a student) but I've been thinking of perhaps finding ways to get a job outside of Pakistan. Now, I know that this is a long shot and has become even more of a difficult option with the recession going on but, I still want to give it a shot so that I can at least know that I tried. The matter of it working out is in Allah's control of course.
Having said that, I was just curious how SWEs here are or were able to find jobs outside of Pakistan. Those who were able to find companies that sponsored them, how was your journey? And those who are doing remote jobs, how was yours?
Perhaps we can help each other out with all of this