Broken Deep Lost Sector is Perfect.
I'm gonna put it out there and just say that a good part of this community is a bunch of absolute crybabys that aren't good at the game. There was a post that has stayed in the back of my mind for a while now.
It was a post that was well received a while back, it got deleted because it was apparently a rant. The post consisted about this lost sector, and how the devs never play test their games difficulty. What's insane to me is how many people agreed. Over 500+ likes with multiple comments agreeing.
Only reason I know is because I also commented on that post. "Skill issue", went to go check on it, and saw the post not exist anymore.
It's insane that the moment you have trouble beating something, you go straight to the devs to complain, Instead of trying to improve upon yourself or practice the lost sector on a lower difficulty. The post had quite a few people agreeing about how absolute bs this lost sector was.
I'll be the first one to say it, if your struggling with lost sectors... you're just bad. (Not counting new players)
Don't cry about something needing to be fixed or adjusted, when you haven't done so yourself first.
The devs and play test team seem to be doing a great job so far.
Liminality Grand Master drops tomorrow. I'm scared for the devs. This community is either going to cry or praise bungie for the difficulty.