I think universe favours my friend

My best friend lives with the attitude "it's the way it's supposed to be" and "it'll be all right" and always has situations resolved in her favour. While I used to live with the same attitude only to find myself in the worst situation of my life, nothing ever working out in my favour and struggling in every part of my life. For the past year I have been stuck in a terrible depression, fighting the biggest battle every day just to get out of bed. And every time I decide to get better, to take action into my own hands, to try hard, I remember my friend, or she writes to me about her successes, and I feel hopeless, hated by faith, cursed. It seems that no matter how hard I try, she will always get 10 times better results. I am jealous of her. But at the same time I am tired of feeling that the universe hates me...