Mom's bday dinner!

My mom is coming down and we are celebrating her 70th birthday and I want to take her somewhere nice, with GREAT service and food, focus on service because she loves to be treated well and doesn't get that in her small town. She is also the type that if you sit at the bar with her/she sits at your bar you will basically become best friends. There will be 7 of us and this is in January so have a bit of time.

We used to love Acron & Vesta, we usually go to Tavernetta, Quality Italian, Cholon, Rioja, Jovannina's and have been to Fruition, Frasca, Safta, somebody people. I REALLY wanted to take her to Alma Fonda but they only do reservations up to 5 people.

It doesn't have to be super fancy but I am thinking Wildflower or maybe Barolo? Restaurant Olivia?

Any other suggestions or places I am missing?

Thanks for the help :)