Am I cooked? Seniors pls help

I'm a first year student at SRCC, BCom Hons.

I scored about ~55/70 in my internals on average. Not too bad not too good.

But for my final exams, my preparation level is 0. I know NOTHING about any of these papers. I need to score at least a 60+/90 to have a shot at getting an 8+ SGPA.

Seniors, pls suggest some YouTube playlists that will teach me everything in a couple of days time. I've got about 7-10 days to prepare. I struggle with Financial Accounting & Business Laws the most.

Am I too cooked or is it possible for me to save myself in this last week? I hadn't studied the entire semester (I was just careless) so I'm panicking a little bit right now.

Please help me with the strategy I should take & give me practical advice (something that'll help in covering as much as I can in the little time that I have)