Is this something?

Alright so recently I was rereading a few chapters from the manga and it made me want to ask this question I’ve been putting off for a while because it might not be anything— Is it supposed to be a point that L speaks very politely?

I don’t speak Japanese so this could just be the way it’s translated, but I noticed it the first time I read the manga how… polite L is? The easiest example to bring up without going through every line of dialogue is his usage of honorifics. I don’t think there is ever really a point L drops it when referring to someone else, even Watari he always calls him Watari-san (besides that one time with Matsuda, but L was very quick at correcting himself). It’s interesting because this isn’t something observed in any of the other characters despite them being Japanese natives. So what are you guys thinking?:

a) This isn’t anything worth noting at all and I’m looking into it too much.

b) I was honestly wondering if this might be used as an indication to show L’s first language isn’t Japanese. I might be making this up, but is it a thing where those who learn a new language will be more adamant about rule following in a language while they grow more comfortable with it.

c) This is actually a slight element of characterization that L is meant to speak pretty politely.

d) Something else?

Part of me wondered about c since the honorifics example wasn’t the only thing I picked up on. Those who read the original Japanese version of the manga would be able to better confirm this because I could be completely making this up lol. There’s also no way to confirm b since we never get any moment where L is canonically meant to be speaking English or any of the other many languages he can to showcase whether or not this might be a continuity. If this is a thing though then I’m honestly leaning more toward c since I don’t remember seeing this with any of the foreign characters post-L.

Anyway to sum this up my questions are:

1) Did you also pick up on this detail?

2) If so why do you think this might be the case?