To fans of Light…
This might be a bit of a hot question, but to fans of Light, basically anyone who was on his side for either entertainment reasons or actually believing in Light’s philosophy— how do you guys view the introduction to Near and Mello’s characters? As someone who was on L’s side and loved his character I always wondered how much my bias toward him plus the shock over his death affected the way I viewed their characters being brought into the series. They’ve certainly grown on me as time has passed and they’re now my #2 and #3 favorite characters, but I still find myself wishing at the end of the day that it should have been L to take down Light.
So for those who didn’t really have any attachment to L— would you have preferred L to have been the one to defeat Light or it wouldn’t have mattered to you at all who did it? Did you enjoy their introduction and the change of Light’s main antagonist?