Help for Comprehending and Accepting Death as a 14 year old

I am a 14 year old boy, still in the beginning of my life. However, if you are much older than me, please don't laugh or disregard this post as the thoughts of an immature kid with too much time on his hands. I would greatly appreciate the perspectives of others because I really want to resolve this issue. Context: I am from a non-religious family, and my parents believe that after death we completely lose all consciousness and eventually decompose, with no afterlife.

Recently the concept of death has been consuming my mind at nearly all times. I can't comprehend the idea that one day I, in my physical, alive body, will completely lose consciousness forever. These thoughts haunt me all day and prevent me from sleeping at night, and are having a negative impact on my performance at school.

Half of my fear regards the concept of time. I cannot understand being dead "forever", which is the trillions of years to go until the universe eventually ends. I want to see how the world will develop and flourish, and what civilizations of the future look like. Our current time period is one highlighted by so many advances in every single field, and I want to see how these changes will shape our world.

The other half of my fear has to do with the miracle of life. We all live on a rock floating in space, which seems massive to us but is barely a speck of dust in the vast expanse of the universe. How did life come to be? I am not searching for the biological or chemical or religious answer, but rather how this concept of conscious beings began. What we define as life is how it applies to our condition on Earth, but we don't even know what else exists in this universe. It horrifies me to know that we probably won't ever discover any other "aliens" or "life" within my lifespan, or whatever else is out there. And also, I wonder about my own physical vessel that is my body. What will happen to it? Will it simply decompose and be reduced to atoms? How will I lose my consciousness, will it abruptly end or slowly fade away? I can't grasp the fact my ability to think, move, react will one day be gone.

The only person I have been able to open up to about this is my mom (who's in her 40s). I recently told her about my fear, and she tried to reassure me. She told me to live a life that I can be proud of and be able to leave behind an impactful legacy. I understood where she was coming from, but it only made me more scared. After seeing my dad react to the death of his father with minimal grief, quickly accepting it and moving on, I am very afraid of my future children regarding my eventual passing with such limited emotions. My mother said the only thing in my hands is to live a healthy lifestyle to lengthen my lifespan, but death is inevitable and it will get everyone at some point. When I asked her if she was afraid of her death, she said she was not, and had come to accept it long ago due to many years of working as a doctor. Rather than the ending of her own life, she told me she is more afraid of the effect it will have on her family. She said she wants to be around long enough until her children do not need her support and are well settled in life, so she can peacefully pass away. Her view is nearly the complete opposite of mine, and I find her way of dealing with death as very positive. More importantly, it is selfless and honorable, compared to my view in which I never want to die, not necessarily to support my loved ones but because I can't imagine not being alive.

I've read online that the only way to cope is to accept death is a natural part of the life cycle, but this only scares me even more knowing that I should be able to get my mind around the fact that one day I will simply not exist. People suggest that living a contented life can lead to an easier acceptance of death since you are satisfied in the life you have lived. This makes me believe that maybe I am not enjoying my life to the amount I should be or my perspective is flawed; I am surrounded by peers 5 out of 7 days a week at school who seem to be perfectly fine and enjoying their lives at the moment. Maybe it is too early for me to think of these things, but I feel my schedule is much busier than that of my peers and it has left me trapped in an endless cycle of limited happiness. I remember during high school soccer season in the fall, I was loving every moment of my life despite having only enough time to practice and finish schoolwork. Now, my schedule is equally as busy due to replacing soccer with academic clubs, but my life does not feel anywhere as fulfilled. Aside from all these factors, It doesn’t help that my parents, though married, don’t share the best relationship, causing many problems at home.

At the moment, my only method of consolation is gaslighting myself that as I get older, I will feel fulfilled and unbothered by death, (as seen in my mother's example) but there is no way for me to know if this is true. I wholeheartedly believe that a lifespan of around 80 years is too less to experience anything, considering I most likely won't even make it to the next century (2100s). I wish there was a way for me to be able to stay alive, because I really, really, don't want to die.

So, I am writing this to ask for advice from anyone who has dealt with a similar fear or is just willing to help me tackle this anxiety and prevent it from worsening every part of my day. Please offer your input.