serverDZ.cfg file changes not applying in game.

serverDZ.cfg file changes are not applying when i run my own server.

Hi all,

I am running my own DayZ server and hosting it locally for my mates and I to run around on.

I am trying to set up the option to enable the map when M is pressed as well as changing some stamina values as to essentially enable infinite stamina. to me it seems like the CFG file isnt being called correctly as none of the changes i make apply in game.

As per the many tutorials i have done the following:
- set the launch parameter as -config=serverDz.cfg on the steam launcher (launching without the .bat file)

- set enableCfgGameplayFile = 1; in my file.

- set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg in my .bat file.

- Changed the values in the cfggameplay.json file:


    `"ignoreMapOwnership": true,`

    `"ignoreNavItemsOwnership": true,`

    `"displayPlayerPosition": true,`

    `"displayNavInfo": true`




        `"sprintStaminaModifierErc": 0,`

        `"sprintStaminaModifierCro": 0,`

        `"staminaWeightLimitThreshold": 6000.0,`

        `"staminaMax": 100.0,`

        `"staminaKgToStaminaPercentPenalty": 0,`

        `"staminaMinCap": 5.0,`

        `"sprintSwimmingStaminaModifier": 0,`

        `"sprintLadderStaminaModifier": 0,`

        `"meleeStaminaModifier": 0,`

        `"obstacleTraversalStaminaModifier": 1,`

        `"holdBreathStaminaModifier": 0`
