Is an expectation of texting consistency unreasonable?
So I’ve had a recent scenario on repeat with men. They’ll match with me, talk heaps (responding straight away to texts) and then after a while, the text get hours and hours apart. To the point where I’ve seen that they’ve been online on WhatsApp and are just choosing not to respond.
I’m an incredibly consistent person, so what you see is what you get. And if I don’t reply for ages, it’s for a valid reason that I’ll typically share if we’ve been talking for a while. However I’m finding that NO ONE ELSE seems to share this level of consistency.
What would be an appropriate expectation for communication with someone that you’re newly dating? Keep in mind I don’t expect immediate responses as everyone is busy, I’m more finding the sudden swing in frequency quite jarring. My viewpoint is also I ncredibly skewed as my ex was a lovebomber who texted me all day every day, so I’m just trying to understand if my gut is adjusting to normal communication or I’m just dealing with avoidant or uninterested folk.