Should I ask her out/What should I do?
Hi guys I'm a 30M. To give a little back story I have social anxiety that I am in therapy for. For me this flairs up worst around women my age that I find attractive. It also flairs up in general when I'm not working so I'm kinda a homebody while I work on getting better at challenging my anxiety.
Now that you have some back information, let me get into my problem. There's this girl at work that I'm attracted to. This started when we started working together and one day when we were both coming back from outside she sped up to match my speed and looked at me like she wanted to talk, but I didn't look at her. This has kinda been a common theme where I'll notice her looking at me when she doesn't think I can see her doing so. There was also times where I'd go on break and she'd sit near me and look at me like she wanted to talk but I never looked at her. My social anxiety is so bad that I avoid situations like that because it just is super scary, so I started avoiding her entirely. This wasn't true to how I feel about her at all. I wanted to talk to her it's just... social anxiety is like a door and the fewer times you go out that door the harder it becomes to walk through it.
Anyways because of my avoiding her I think that she thinks I either don't like her or possibly hate her because it feels like now she's doing the avoiding thing that I did. She doesn't look at me and she doesn't sit near me during break. However one day this past week I helped her out and she seemed super happy and nice. I tried talking to her the next day/starting a conversation because I saw she was wearing cute boots and I said "I like your boots" and she said "thanks" but I got the vibe she didn't really want to talk so I left her alone.
I'm left at this crossroads of not knowing what to do and overthinking everything because of my anxiety. I want to talk to her but I don't want to make her feel cornered/uncomfortable at work. Regardless none of this has to lead to dating but at the bare minimum I want her to know that I don't hate her but actually like her and think from what I've seen that she's a nice person and a hard worker, but I'm afraid it might be too little too late. What do you think I should do reddit?
TL;DR I like a girl at work but because I have social anxiety I've ended up avoiding her and I'm afraid she might think I don't like her/hate her.