Girl wants things to happen naturally
I met this girl through bumble and we clicked instantly. We have been talking for less than a month but she was super affectionate and lovey dovey the initial days. All of a sudden I notice a shift in her behavior and decide to approach her in a professional and mature manner. I said the things along the lines of “I noticed a shift in how you text me. Are we still on the same page? How do you feel about us?” and she replied with that things happened way too fast and that made her take a step back. And that she wants to take things slow and naturally because “she wants to make this work.”
I’m lost because she was the first to open up and become close. And naturally I started to do the same but now I’m the one that starts the convos. It feels like I’m forcing her to talk to me at this point. I really like this girl and I do want a future with her. We have already agreed on to go on a date in a few weeks, but I’m afraid that by the time that date comes she will have completely lost interest in me.
Don’t get me wrong. She doesn’t text me with one words or super uninterested. But she did stop spamming me while I was gone, her time to respond got longer, and she isn’t super lovey dovey anymore.
How should I approach this? I feel like she hasn’t conpletely lost interest but is doing so slowly.