Rejected after 5 dates

I (23F) recently been seeing a guy (30M) and went on a few dates. I fell pretty hard for him. He was kind, goofy, cute and seemed to be a good match. He came over on our last date. I made us dinner and dessert. He met my roommates and we laid on my couch and watched a show together. It felt like it was going really well. The following week we texted everyday and made plans for the next week. Then he stopped responding closer to our plans. I confronted him and he said he was feeling conflicted as he “had a feeling” we weren’t compatible long term. I have no idea what would have gave him this impression and it’s driving me crazy. I desperately want to change his mind, even though I know I can’t do anything about it. I know he didn’t really know me well enough to truly see that, so I can’t help but wonder what it was. My imagination is running wild.

I know the rejection is definitely making me want him more. And it’s been like 2 weeks since I’ve seen him now so my memories of him/my desire is definitely more imagination/anxiety based than reality by this point. I really liked him and I’m struggling to not feel low about it. How do I get him off this pedestal? How can I stop feeling like shit about this? I was so (too) excited about him. I feel silly and anxious and wish I could do something about it.