Dads without a gym membership, how are you staying fit?
I'm 41, new dad. Late to the game, I know, but life goes how it goes. We're on an extremely tight budget, so the gym isn't an option for me right now. I do enjoy walks and yoga, and get thirst minutes to an hour of both in maybe 2x/week. But I am definitely feeling my age with a 1.5 year old, who's more active by the day. And frankly, I badly need the clarity of mind and dopamine that comes with a more disciplined exercise regimen. Is there a home fitness routine you guys have found particularly easy to implement into your week? I'm usually the first one up by a few hours, as wife works nights and I don't. So maybe a split between first waking and then late afternoon/evening when kiddo is napping, like a one-two punch might be perfect. idk, though. What do you do?
Thanks bros.