Cat Problems!

Hello Sumpatriotes,

As you all know, here in cyprus we have a problem with stray cats. I dont hate them but i dont love them either. So my situation goes like this. I bought 2 years ago a new car and i am trying to keep it as scratch free as possible. I know its almost impossible but i try my best. I dont even let my dogs get inside. There is a woman in my building that feeds a cat, or has a cat (i dont really know how it is) which jumps on my car and i started seeing scratches on my hood. I am thinking about talking to her but i feel like cat people are a bit weird. I believe she will deny everything and tell me that cats are free to do whatever they want. I believe we will not come to a solution and it will make matters worse. Is there any repellent for cats that will actually work.

I am wondering why people who feed cats dont take them home. Why they think others are okay with it. Like i dont want it to jump on my car, scratch my car or even put dirt on it.

If you like cats take em home. Respect other people property. If you care about the cat also give it a warm home or take it to a place where other cats are too. like a park or something.