How do you think Assad's overthrow will affect Cyprus?

A tyrant who has massacred his own people has fallen. This event on its own is a good thing, but it is still not clear whether this development will have contribute in solidifying peace in Syria and in our region.

Whether we like it or not, Syria lies just 100km from our shores and a substantial percentage of our population is comprised of Syrian refugees. Therefore, any serious developments in Syria will have considerable knock-on effects for Cyprus. Some questions arise from these recent developments in regards to their effects on Cyprus:

1) Refugees:

a) Will Syrian refugees feel safe to return back to their country voluntarily?

b) Will EU's / UNCHR's policy regarding safe countries of origin change regarding Syria?

c) Will the new leadership of Syria create a stable government model that is inclusive of all Syrian minorities, or will they persecute them, leading to new sectarian violence?

2) Middle Eastern balance of power:

a) Who are the geostrategic winners and losers of Assad's overthrow and how will this new geopolitical arrangement affect Cyprus?

b) It seems that Turkey will have a great deal of influence in the new Syrian government that will be formed. Essentially, it seems that Turkey lost an opponent and gained an ally in the region. Will this new enhanced geostrategic position make indirectly Turkey more emboldened in its dealings with Cyprus, and in its violations?

3) Security:

It seems that some of the factions, and their leaders, who defeated Assad's forces have been closely affiliated with extremist Islamist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIS. Is it likely that we have a Taliban-like regime in our doorstep? And what security challenges could we face in such a scenario?