what the hell happened to my hair?

the first picture is of my hair now, and the second picture is how my hair usually looks.

i feel like it all went downhill when i began using mane & tail back in august. my hair began to feel very greasy (im assuming because of the protein) so i stopped using mane & tail mid november. beginning of december i straightened my hair a few times, which i never have a problem with, and i feel like my curls just never bounced back. i have medium to low porosity hair.

before knowing that i couldn’t use protein treatments on low porosity hair, i did an aphogee protein treatment. i was so desperate to get my hair back. but it didn’t work, at all.

i use the TPH Mask On hair mask, and i feel like my hair likes it.

i usually use the miss jessies multi cultural curl cream, and top it with their jelly soft curl gel. that is what i did in the first photo, and also what i did in the second.

not sure what to do. i’ve tried using the k18 leave in, but it’s been no help. someone please help 😭 i am so desperate

ALSO i’ve always had fine, low density hair. so that is not my problem right now. my hair is thin in both photos