Just a rant

So something I thought would never happen to me is happening… and I just need to rant among other crochet do-ers and enthusiasts. I know some of you may relate.

Something in me flipped very very recently and I no longer feel the same about crocheting. Something that was once a haven for me to just forget my problems and focus on creating something now feels like a chore. I don’t get the same enjoyment out of it. If any at all. I’m beginning to dread picking up my hook and yarn.

It just started as an honest showcasing to coworkers about things I made and being proud of it and now it has snowballed into something I can’t manage. I’m getting so much pressure now to do projects I would normally take my time doing - to getting asked about it almost everyday on when it’ll be completed.

I think I might finish projects that I promised people and take a hiatus from doing things for others. Maybe if I just make things just for me it might make me happy again with crocheting. I want to avoid hating it altogether.