Gone Rogue #2 - Green Lantern, Fantastic Four and Captain America Villains ONLY

Green Goblin, Joker, Magneto, Lex Luthor, Reverse Flash, Thanos, Loki, Sinestro, Dr. Doom and Red Skull have been added to the fray.

The next round will focus on foes pertaining to Green Lantern, Fantastic Four, and Captain America.

The top 9 who can fill out the remaining rosters for each individual group will be accepted. Accumulative votes will also be counted.

Green Goblin, Joker, Magneto, Lex Luthor, Reverse Flash, Thanos, Loki, Sinestro, Dr. Doom and Red Skull have been added to the fray.

The next round will focus on foes pertaining to Green Lantern, Fantastic Four, and Captain America.

The top 9 who can fill out the remaining rosters for each individual group will be accepted. Accumulative votes will also be counted.