I need to rant about removing Therea and Mills
Is there a hill you will die on? Mine is that removing maps from the competitive pool is unnecessary and just a big middle finger to anyone who actually plays the game. I fully understand that there is a real need of updating the active pool of maps that are being played in the premier gamemode, beacause keeping them the same will eventually stale the pro scene and it could ruin the game. On the other hand, the main selling point of cs2 was the fact that we have this ranked matchmaking gamemode that is premier, and we have a more casual environment in the competitve gamemode section. About half a year ago at best they added Therea and Mills to the competitive section and I loved them, I played a bit of Mills and over 30 games on Therea, winning about half of them. I started to learn the map, learn important smokes and lineups. All of this grinding just for them to remove the map. In competitve there will always be maps that are played a lot and maps that are played less, why bother to remove the latest? If someone hates the map it’s not like it is in the active duty pool and they could end up there by mistake, and nobody will force anyone to play a map on competitve, so why would you remove the map instead of letting players queue up for it and wait 7-10 minutes if they really want to. A 5v5 will take the same server space no matter the map, so when u put it like this, nobody would leave the game beacause they have too much variety, but people could leave a game where they are forced to play the same 10 maps over and over. I know that I might be fighting alone for this but I really want things to change.